WARNING: you're entering the zone of a disordered freak. beware.

Saturday, January 2, 2010

i have to re write this because blogger is a fucking bitch.

intake: three pecan cookies, two slices bread, four hundred and fifty calories.
resolutions: get under ninety five pounds, clean up my diet, socialize, study more, stop skipping, keep smiling.

thank you for the comments on my last post. you are all fucking amazing, never forget that.

ariana, xoxo.


  1. 95lbs?! u must be pretty short in order for that to look good ... You are a good writer though, as opposed to many other bloggers out in the world-wide cyberspace. take care of yourself.
    XO, Kim


  2. We ARE pure fucking diamonds! Let's get skinny and beautiful and pure just like diamonds :)
