WARNING: you're entering the zone of a disordered freak. beware.

Tuesday, December 29, 2009


Comment ça va mes ami(e)s?

Back to school next week, means back to French. Dear lord, I suck at speaking French.

Thank you all for the Happy Birthday's and the comments. And for the watchers! I never noticed I had fifty-four, good God. I love you all, for whatever reason you're following my blog.

New diet; Green tea and fruit! I wanna cut all the greasy, yucky stuff out of my diet. Mostly because I feel better and more energetic when it's all natural. Still restricting as usual.

I've been eating dairy all day and I feel like shit. I found out from my doctor that I'm intolerant to peanuts. Thank god, I'm a sucker for peanut butter.

Short update; failed today, of course. Tomorrow and New years will be a new beginning.
I'm not feeling too bad about it, because it wasn't a binge. I can't really.. binge anymore unless it's fruit and vegetables.

I'm off to watch anime, draw, and drink green tea.

Keep smiling.
Ariana, xoxo.


  1. I need to get back to just fruit in my diet. That would be so amazing. And green tea--yummy!

  2. Happy be-lated birthday! I would hate to be intolerant to peanuts; I love peanut butter!
